Scam Site
A good rule of thumb is to avoid paying anymoney on a site that doesn't have a license. A legitimate online casino willhave a license number prominently displayed on its homepage. If you don't seethis number, you should assume the site is a scam. If you can't find it, assumethat it is one until you are able to verify its legitimacy.Another way to spot a scam gambling website isto look for the company that provides the software. Check to see if the casinouses a reputable software provider, or search for a casino blacklist to findout if it's a legitimate one. You should avoid casinos that are on theblacklist. They are usually fraudulent. In addition to being a scam, thesewebsites are likely to have a poor reputation.Scams can also sneak up on you when you'replaying online. Some scams will pretend to be a legitimate casino but thenfreeze your account after you've made a deposit. They may even ask for proof ofaddress or bank account information. In other situations, they may steal your creditcard information directly. In order to avoid scam sites, you need to use eatand run verification websites. Eat Bang is a well-known eat-and-runverification company that helps you to avoid scam sites by providing completeverification.